Sunday, March 30, 2014

Just a little update!

Happy Spring, everyone!

So, i have been MIA for at least  month or so, my bad...^_^

I have been enjoying my first trimester pregnancy with a joy and blessing <3 ( Yay!)
Been an enjoyable pregnancy so far, no morning sickness, i have been gaining around 10 pounds so far,  but i admit i was in a very moody stage and yes, LAZY too..aha! Within couple of weeks we will find out the excited!!I have a strong feeling it is going to be a baby boy..hahaha..lets see...

Lots of Thank You for you guys for the best wishes, prayers and support through my instagram 
@ncylove....those prayers and wishes mean so much for my family!Thank You!!

Anyhow, i am back with a little bit update in beauty world.

Here is a new video ( well, last week video ) on youtube, in case you missed it..

More videos coming soon..stay tuned!


  1. Auuuww... congratz ciiii ^^ gak sabar ketemu little nancy ♥♥

  2. OMG! Congrats for your pregnancy <3 I can see the glow :)

  3. I didn't know you're expecting, congratulationssss :D and welcome to mommy's club!
    Oya, i nominated you for Sunshine Blogger Award : :)

  4. Haiii...
    Selamat atas kehamilannya... You're really pretty... And that preggy glow definitely makes it even more perfect.. :)

    Just followed you..
    Lets be friends...

    Mampir ke blog ku yah. Ada postingan tutorial baru menggunakan warna paling hits tahun ini.


    1. Thank you so much, dear!love your blog..ur makeup look so pretty!xx
      Thks for visiting my blog!


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